A message from Paul Picot, VE3PIK, Chair of the LARC Club Station Committee
Kudos to the great team who yesterday pulled down the old antenna and rotator and put up our brand new 40m OptiBeam and Yaesu rotator. It looks fantastic!
A shout out to Bodgan VE3YOB, Jorge VE3EAD, Gary VE3XDM, and Doug VE3IDT for their hard work and long hours, and to Dave VE3EI, for battling London traffic to collect needed tools. Thanks to Matt VE3DIZ for the crane, Rick VE3IMG for supplying the rotator adapter plate, and to Tom VE3HOR for corralling all the materiel for the effort. And an extra special thanks for Richard VE3PNK for his superhuman effort on the tower.
We ran pretty late yesterday, and we all appreciate those who stuck to it to the end. I returned today to complete the outdoor connections. The coax is now connected and the connections are weathertight. I'll return Wednesday to complete the indoor rotator connections.
Here's what the SWR looks like:
And here's the beauty shot: A fine looking antenna!