

The 2024 ARRL Field Day is June 22-23, beginning at 1800 UTC (2:00pm)

The location will be at the LARC Club station, located at

427 (London) RCAF Wing

2155B Crumlin Road North

London, Ontario

(43.033766, -81.1589447)



How to look at the central status display of the number of contacts made by LARC participants:

Go to the webpage:

Click on a participant’s call sign for more details


How to set up your N3FJP logging software to communicate with the central status display at


See the instructions at


How to submit results to the ARRL after Field Day is over

See the instructions in


When submitting results, put London ARC in the “Club or Group Name” section.


Click on 

to get answers to other Field Day questions


- Doug Elliott / VA3DAE