Winter Field Day - 2016
The LARC particpated in the Winter Field Day activities as VE3LS on the weekend of Jan 30, 2016.
Those who participated at various times (in no particular order) :
John Pederson, Kevin Richardson, Russ Brown, Karen Doncaster, Paul Fraser, Frank Birch, Harry Campbell,
Norm Campbell, Rob LeRoy, Ken Brightling, Corbin Lippert. Mike Watts, Tom Pillon, Jim Morris,
Gary Wabersich, Doug Elliot and Dave Lambert as chief photographer.
We ran a total of five stations, some in the nice warm and dry Secrets of Radar Museum, others operating while sharing the outdoors with the deer in the melting snow and rain. We're still adding up the contacts from the various logs.
The big winner was Tim Hortons down the road.