


In 2021, the club is unable to meet in our usual physical location due to Covid-19. We therefore held our meetings using the Zoom conference platform. Below are a list of features, interviews and topics that were held during the year and at these virtual meetings.

Now that the club is meeting in preson, it was decided that "Winter" meetings would still be held on Zoom to facilitate the members and speakers from having to drive in adverse conditions.



June, 2024 Meeting Video 

Speaker: Steven Downward
Topic : CATS - Communication and Telemetry System

The video can be viewed here


May, 2024 Meeting Video 

Speaker : Lee Cassar (VA3XLC)
Topic : Wires-X/Fusion
The video can be viewed here


April, 2024 Meeting Video 

Speaker 1: Dave McCarter VE3EI
Topic1 : April 8th Total Solar Eclipse
Speaker 2 : Jorge Forero VE3EAD
Topic 2 : Winlink
The video can be viewed here


March, 2024 Meeting Video 

Guest Speaker: Mike Cook (VE3ZMC)
Topic: Stardust
Description: Annual Science presentation

 The video can be viewed here.



February, 2024 Meeting Video 

Guest Speaker: Jay Knops (VA3PRR)
Topic: SSTV
Description: Slow Scan Television

 The video can be viewed here.


January, 2024 Meeting Video 

Guest Speaker: Doug Elliott (VA3DAE)
Topic: Team Rubicon
Description: A volunteer disaster response group

The video can be viewed here.


November, 2023 Meeting Video 

Guest Speaker: Rob Noakes VE3PCP from the

Inverhuron Amateur Radio Club

Topic: Various topics, e.g their remote station VA3YKR,

The International YL & Youth Group

Jukka VE3OBR/OH2BR & Pitcairn Island DXpedition

The video can be viewed here.


October, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Micheal Walker of Flexradio
Topic: Getting started in setting up a remote HF radio station for the new user

The video can be viewed here.


September, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Davie MCCarter (VE3EI)
Topic: All About Time

The video can be viewed here.


June, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Tom Pillon
Topic: LARC Remote station

The video can be viewed here.


May, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Mike Kosch VE3MMX
Topic: VE3MMX Repeater System

The video can be viewed here.


April, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speakers: 

Doug Elliott: HWEF.
Mike Watts: Military NVIS.
Dave McCarter: Raised vertical antennas.
Doug Tompkins: Tower and Beam Installation.
Topic: Annual Antenna Extravaganza

The video can be viewed here.


March, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Mike Cook (VE3ZMC) 
Topic: Weaving The Webb, space exploration

The video can be viewed here.


February, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Tim Spicer (VA3TJS) 
Topic: D-Star

The video can be viewed here.


January, 2023 Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Keith Baker VA3KSF - Past President of AMSAT
Topic: Amateur Radio Satellite Communications

The video can be viewed here.


May Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Brad Warehouse VA3BGW - Solar Panels
Paul Picot VE3PIK - Bioenno LifePO4 Iron Phosphate  deep cycle batteries
Rick Brown VE3IMG - MFJ Battery Booster

Topic: Various Field Day related topics

The video can be viewed here.


April Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Paul Picot VE3PIK, Bogdan Scarlatescu VE3YOB, Dave McCarter VE3EI, Rick Brown VE3IMG

Topic: Various Antenna Presentations

The video can be viewed here.


March Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Mike Walker, VA3MW

Topic: Node Red
Sub Topic: Using Node-Red for Station Automation

The video can be viewed here.


February Meeting Video

Guest Speaker: Mike Cook, VE3ZMC 

Topic: Mikes annual presentation, this year it was on Charge.

The video can be viewed here.


January Meeting Video 

Guest Speaker: Paul Picot (VE3PIK)
Topic: Radio in Medicine
Subtitle: Applied Magic: Magentic Resonance Imaging and other medical  radio tricks

Guest Speaker: Rick Brown (VE3IMG)
Topic: Groups.io and why you should join.

The video is available to review here.



December Meeting Video 

Rick Brown, VE3IMG presentation on Grounding – Emphasis on Lightning protection and the December meeting has now been posted.

The video is available to review here.


November Meeting Video 

Doug Elliott, VA3DAE presentation on Fox hunting techniques and the November meeting has now been posted.

The video is available to review here.


October Meeting Video 

David Lambert, VE3KGK presentation and the October meeting has now been posted.

The video is available to review here.
