As part of the London Amateur Radio clubs centennial celebrations, we will be featuring interviews with a number of hams who have played significant roles in the club history. In 2020, the club is unable to meet in our usual physical location due to Covid-19. We therefore held our meetings using the Zoom conference platform. Below are a list of features, interviews and topics that were held during the year and at these virtual meetings.
As part of our 100th anniversary celebration, we have been authorized to use the special events callsign VE3LON100. Any member of LARC can use this callsign for the month of September to make contacts on any mode. Please keep a log of the contacts you are making and we will be letting people know how we will be QSLing these contacts. We hope you enjoy using this special callsign. There is a page setup for the callsign. Members are encouraged to operate and log using program. At a later date, we will be asking operators to forward their logs to the club so we may QSL the contacts made. Please note, if you are operating Self Spot on DXSumiit at to promote the event and to prevent mutiple people being on the same band at the same time.
September 3, 2020
Mitch Powell, VE3OT Interviewed on his early days in Amateur Radio. The video can be referenced here. The password is LARC to view the video.
Article in the RAC magazine, TCA highlighting the history of the London Amateur Radio Club. The article can be seen here.
Short video of Jim Morris, VA3AHQ launching a line into a tree using an air cannon. The video can be referenced here.
The September 3rd meeting on ZOOM. The video can be referenced here.
An article from from the June 2002 issue of QST, detailing the first Field Day June 1933 and LARC came in second. You can read the article here. Thanks to John Cumming, VE3JC for providing the article.
October 1, 2020
The highlight for operating this month is LARC members are the operating VE3FIRE.
This year the Fire Prevention event will be from October 4-10th, 2020. If you wish to operate during this event please contact Jim Morris, VA3AHQ via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may operate on SSB, CW or Digital. As well, you may operate from your home shack or by special arrangement at the club station.
For further information on the event please go to the website for the event. Once again we look forward to operating the special event and spreading the word on fire prevention.
This months general meeting will focus on antennas. We have 4 antennas being presented with Videos and live presentations.
To see the whole meeting please watch it here.
- 20M Moxon Antenna: John Pederson, VE3MGR, Video is posted here.
- END_FED Longwire: Ian Seddon, VE3HUT, Presentation is posted here.
- 2M Yagi: Bob Rice, VE3HKY, Presentation is posted here.
- Helical Antenna: Dave MCCarter, VE3EI, Presentation is posted here.
Rick Brown, VE3IMG from the Contest Committee recommended people watch the following websites for contest information.
- Contest Club Ontario, Groups IO, Website
The October 1st meeting on ZOOM. The video can be referenced here.
November 5, 2020
This months general meeting has featured a Veteran Tom Jory, VE3AOA, who tell us about his career as a Doctor, pilot and amateur radio operator. The centennial corner will interview Dave MCCarter, VE3EI, as well as other features and items that will be of interest to those attending. Video is posted here.
December 3, 2020
This months general meeting has featured Brock Haggerty from London Hydro, he spoke on RFI and smart meters. The centennial corner will interview Doug Tompkins, VE3IDT, as well as other features and items that will be of interest to those attending. Video is posted here.
Field day final results are here.
January 7, 2021
This months general meeting has featured Doug Elliott and Rick Brown, they spoke on RFI which they had experienced. The centennial corner will interview John Cumming, VE3JC, as well as other features and items that will be of interest to those attending. Video is posted here.
Winter Field day is around the corrner
Rules and information can be found here.
Matt Geddes, VE3DIZ with be the organizer of the event for LARC.
He has put together a document with information and it can be found here.
February 4, 2021
This months general meeting has featured Tom Pillon, who spoke on the Rapbery PI. The centennial corner will interview Jim Spicer, VE3CTS, as well as other features and items that will be of interest to those attending. Here is the video of the meeting.
There was a reference to the cartoon series Carl and Jerry in Popular Electronics, Here is a reference to a number of the stories.
Dave MCCarter VE3EI, spoke on building a number of small transceivers from QRP labs
March 4, 2021
This months general meeting has featured Mike Cook, VE3ZMC who did his annual talk on a subject he found interesting. The topic was "Natural Radio: A brief overview of Radio Astronomy". As well there were other features and items of interest to those attending. Here is the video of the meeting.
Doug Elliott VA3DAE, spoke on retrofitting a set of Helicopter headphones/mic for amateur radio use. He had many trials and tribulations in getting it to work.
April 1, 2021
This months general meeting featured our Antenna meeting. The topic will present a number of antennas by our club members. As well there were other features and items of interest to those attending. Here is the video of the meeting.
Bob Rice, VE3HKY, spoke about his career. Tom Pillon, VE3HOR spoke on his SOTA Powerpole management kit.
References to things mentioned in our meeting
Midnight Design Solutions, Kit builders group products.
SOTA, Kits and Equipment.
Bob Rice, Antenna Videos: 7 Band Semi Vertical Trap Antenna and 7 Band Portable Dipole.
Coaxial Cable specifications can be found here.
May 6, 2021
This months general meeting featured Sarah McKenzie-Picot speaking on Satellites. The title of her presentation is: "Satellites: from subsystems to orbiting assets", and it's intended to provide a general overview of what's inside a satellite, how we test satellites, satellite launch, and finally communications once we're on orbit. Here is the video of the meeting.
Doug Elliott, VA3DAE was our centennial corner and spoke of his career, Paul Picot, VE3PIK spoke on his ocillator project.
References to things mentioned in our meeting
QRP-Labs Kits and Equipment
June 3, 2021
This months general meeting featured individuals setup for Field Day, both past and for this year.
Here is the video of the meeting.
Brian Jurkowski VA3KLT was our centennial corner and spoke of his career. Brian is a new ham and is the future of the club.
Project Parade: Dave VE3EI, spoke on a kit for receiving aircraft radio signals.